Reproductive Health
The Benefits of Herbal Medicine: Cutting-Edge Science Meets Ancient Wisdom
Herbal medicine taps into the power of plants to support health and wellbeing, by combining honoured traditions with the latest advancements in phytomedicine. Recent breakthroughs in botanical research have reignited recognition of its proven ability to address a wide range of health concerns, making plant-based medicine a highly effective approach […]
Read MoreStubborn perimenopausal weight gain – How to FIGHT BACK.

Perimenopause is a time of change, and for many women, one of the most frustrating challenges is dealing with stubborn weight gain, especially around the belly. You might be thinking, “I’ve exercised all my life, I go to the gym 3 to 5 times a week, and I eat well, […]
Read MoreWhat’s Really Happening in Perimenopause? Naturopath Kath McFarlane Answers Your Questions

Question : How do I know if I’m starting menopause? I’ve been noticing some weird changes. Kath : Perimenopause can sneak up on us with a slow onset of often subtle and random symptoms that don’t immediately scream “hormones !” For some of us, it might be dry, itchy skin […]
Read MoreI Don’t Feel Myself. Is It My Hormones?

Understanding Perimenopause, Menopause and How Naturopathy Can Really Help. For many women, perimenopause and menopause represents a period of significant change. You may have spent your whole life feeling capable, focused and on top of most things, and now, suddenly you’re not feeling like “you” anymore. This phase can bring […]
Read MoreNaturopathic support for Endometriosis pain and bloating – an update

The aim of Naturopathic care in endometriosis is to provide symptomatic relief for the pain and bloating along with herbal and nutritional medicine and dietary and lifestyle support to reduce the impact of the underlying drivers that can contribute the disease progression. The most common symptoms of endometriosis are – […]
Read MoreCommon Misconceptions about Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

As mentioned in my previous blog, PCOS is highly prevalent, with between 9-18 percent of the female population being diagnosed with it, depending on the criteria used. There is growing debate as to whether this statistic represents the real level and it is increasingly evident that more research is needed […]
Read MoreA Holistic Approach to Treating Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Diagnosed with PCOS? What does it mean in simple terms and is there an option other than the Contraceptive pill and Metformin? PCOS stands for Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and is the most common endocrine disorder in women. It occurs in 5% to 15% of women (depending on the criteria […]
Read MoreFertility and Pregnancy: Sydney Naturopath Explains How Natural Solutions Can Help

Kathleen McFarlane supports her fertility patients’ reproductive health by examining hormone levels, lifestyle practices, and environmental factors that might impact a woman’s ability to conceive. Sydney, AU – At Kathleen McFarlane’s Sydney naturopathy practice, she uses herbal and nutritional medicine in combination with lifestyle modifications to assist patients with a […]
Read MoreHow Can A Woman Improve Her Chances For Successful Conception?

In parts one and two of our three-part blog series, Kathleen McFarlane explained what types of fertility patients she helps most frequently, as well as what her approach is. In this final installment, she discusses factors that can affect your ability to conceive: Some of the factors that affect a […]
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